Monday, September 24, 2012

Towards Better Health

I really need to get in the habit of updating my blog more!

Well school has started, and this upcoming week is going to be a very busy/stressful one. I have a Russian Unit due which I need to work more on, a wind symphony concert Thursday night, and lots of practicing to do.

Two weekends ago, Jillian and I went to Lake Erie for our "one year of knowing each other" celebration. We went to Sandusky, Port Clinton, and took a ferry to Put-In-Bay (island on Lake Erie). I had never been on a boat before, so it was quite an adventure. We went to Perry's Cave, saw a lot of world record stuff, and had a nice time on the island. I am attaching select pictures at the bottom for those of you haven't seen them.

I had a gig yesterday, along with a brass band rehearsal, an orchestra concert last Friday (Brahms Symphony no 2 and Frank's Psyche et Eros), and I have just been extremely busy. A couple weeks before that I had an orchestral audition for the Springfield Symphony Orchestra. I applied for that audition 3 years ago and was declined, and apparently had a good audition because I was added to the sub list and was asked to play an extra excerpt than most. I wish my chops would have been less fatigued, but it was a great audition!

Now for the real good stuff!

Now, on to the title of the blog. When I got weighed at the doctor, I had gained some weight from when I weighed myself at home. Understandable, since the scales are different. But, as I mentioned, right now weight isn't important. On Saturday. I ran for a total of 15 minutes in 3 different 5 minute intervals. Physically, I am not running as fast or hard as I was before, but I am trying just to build up the long distance running, to eventually run a 5K.  Today, I run for 8 minutes straight, and that just sounds painful...and I might have to go back and keep doing what I am doing now.

Anyways, I have reflected over the process of the C25K training program. I feel it could have been designed better, with smaller increments of time added on gradually. However, less than 2 months ago, I was on the couch having a hard time getting up and going up the stairs. I was dying running a minute (though I was running very hard and fast). I haven't been as sick, and I have been more energetic. I keep on looking at my phone to see how much longer I have to run (I need to stop this!) and I get down to a minute and a half and keep on going, sometimes not realizing 2 months ago one minute felt like running a marathon.

The c25K program (free version) is a good program...though I am not quite at the speed/distance to run a 5K, but to run the number of minutes. It works very well, and it is nice finding some time to exercise and stay fit. I am slowly cutting down pop (cokes for those of you in the south reading this) from 8 cans a day to 2 a day, plus adding gatorade and water to my diet.

Besides weight gain, I have noticed my clothes fit differently. I do not think I have lost any fat, but it is shifting and making my lower body look more normal. I will be sure to keep you guys updated as I progress on running.


I have to thank Nathan/Megan MacDonald for EVERYTHING regarding weight loss and being healthier. I have quite a ways to go to even be close to what they have done, but I am trying. Nathan has lost over 125 pounds since starting this a couple of years ago. I think EVERYONE should read and follow his blog!

Pics from Put-In Bay Trip

                                                       Behold the Power of Cheese

Jillian and I infront of Lake Erie on the Boat

World's Largest Celestite Crystals. Didn't go here but went by it :)

Perry's Cave

Didn't go here, but went by Ohio's oldest family owned Winery

The World's Longest Bar!

Butterfly House

                                                        Putt Putt!

My Favorite Cave Saying

Jillian and I in Sandusky

                                       The World's Smallest Margarita Bar!

                                    The first boat I was ever on

Mining for Gems

1 comment:

  1. Great post bud! Keep it up! You're doing awesome! SAWS!!!!
