Friday, August 24, 2012

Settling in...and tired of being myself!

The school year has started, and the Russian class looks to be very hard. I have to just be able to read it, but I kind of want to speak it too. As I wait for it all to print off 300 pages for the Russian independent study course, I was reflecting about how far I have come and that I am starting to settle in to a routine.

Yesterday, after ensemble auditions, I decided to come home early and relax a little, and get a haircut. It was so relaxing not staying at school till 6:30 and actually beating my fiancee home.

For those of you who don't know, I am doing a couch to 5K running program. Yesterday, I completed week 3 day 1 of the training. I ran for 3 minutes straight!!! Though my body felt like it was going to give out, I somehow made it to the end. I do not know if I have lost any weight, but I am starting to feel muscles grow.

I have to personally thank great friends Nathan and Megan MacDonald in Tallahassee Florida and all the people on the SAWS facebook group for helping get me off the couch. I have read (actually in the brass gym) that the body starts to go in a routine by the age of 26, which I will be in less than a month. I have been feeling low on energy (still do after running), and my body just getting larger and fatter. I wish I would have been able to do a C25K program at Miami (started one with Dorian and Alan, 2 of my groomsmen, but it didn't last. Nathan has lost 125 pounds in about 2 years time, and he looks like a totally different person.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I am tired of seeing my current self. I have always felt this way. I used to be normal sized, but somewhere around 4th grade, a summer where my dad would bring home donuts several days a week, I started to get very fat. I was picked on for being fat, never had friends because of this, and people said I would never amount to anything, and that I am just a tuba dork/band nerd, and got picked on for being serious about that. The majority of the people who picked on me never went to college or dropped out, dead end jobs, etc., while I am happy, minus the weight.

So I am going to change something. Instead of carrying about pounds lost, I am going to focus on the way my body looks and muscle gain, instead of poundage. Here is to a new me!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Here begins the 2nd year of DMA....some updates and goals for the school year.

I honestly need to blog on here more. I know I should probably find more time to practice, especially since I have my first principal tuba audition for an orchestra this weekend, but I think a break is always good to reflect on things that don't have to do specifically with playing. I am hoping this blog can also serve as guidance to younger musicians.

I look back over the last 7 years in college and see how much I could have done that I didn't. Practice more in undergrad with a greater focus, work more on basics then, perfected aural skills, etc, or to have asked teachers to focus on this more. I listen to my recordings and I am never happy, but apparently this happens to everybody. However, I remember while at ACU I was often down in the dumps, single, never happy, etc. Over the last 3 years, I have basically reversed everything, because I am happy, at one of my dream schools to study tuba, working on my doctorate, etc.

Stemming from the last paragraph, I had a hard time being single, because I had never had a girlfriend. The single status often made me feel like I was an outcast, etc. Since the last time I posted on here, I have become engaged to the beautiful Jillian Mummey. Our wedding is June 22, 2013 in Chillicothe, OH. I will have a tuba ensemble playing at the wedding (because that is cool). We have moved in together already to help the transition and everything, and we are enjoying our new town house in Dublin, OH. I struggled through a lot, but I am glad to have found the woman I will spend the rest of my life with!

Anyways, I was reading my goals from last year, and before reading them, I just said, I probably have done NONE of these, much less to where I want them.

Better Financial Health--I have actually mastered this one (minus student loans), as I should be out of all personal credit card debt in a year, and as a married couple, we should be fine by time I finish this degree. I have learned to budget  better, and make wise decisions with my money. I get an A+ on this one.

Better Health--This one I didn't do as much on last year. However, in the last couple of weeks, I have started a Couch to 5K training exercise. This last summer I drank a lot of pop (coke for my southern friends, really Dr. Pepper, but y'all know what I mean :) ), but I am trying to cut my consumption in half. We have also been eating in a lot more. I was eating out a lot but still budgeting my money, but I feel I can lose a lot of weight by eating in  (occasionally eating out) and exercising. I started this, and time for me to continue it.

Less Driving--I guess I put this one because I had a 1992 Toyota Camry with 240000 miles that was falling apart...and I drove 30000 miles in the first half of 2011. So I did very well with this, even though I had to drive to Chillicothe to see my fiancee, I didn't put many miles on my car at all. I now have a new car, a 2009 Hyundai Elantra, low mileage. I purchased a west campus pass, so I am driving to school now. However, this will help me get home sooner and not have to worry about being stranded by the bus or waiting in cold areas.

More Personal Time--I actually did well on this one. I don't drink alcohol much anymore, but I have cable TV I get to watch plenty of that! I tend to spend too much time on campus and waste time, but I am getting better.

The 10 Points--Did most of them decently. Some (like scheduling practice time and concerts) are not as practical, but I did hear some great professional orchestras, and since my schedule deviated week to week, scheduling practice time was hard.

                                                  GOALS FOR 2012-2013 School Year

Most people tend to make New Years Resolutions on January 1st. Being in academia, my year starts in August. This will be the 21st first day of classes for me, and the last real year of classes...however when I teach, it will still be the same.

Better Focus--I feel I need to be better focused overall. I might have ADD or something, like most people my age, but just better focus and goals. I am also learning Russian, a very hard language, so I need the focus. This will be needed, because the longer I am in school, it seems the harder it gets. I have other friends who agree with this, so I am not the only one! Also, keeping a practice journal.

Playing--My recordings will never be what I want them to be. I need to be more consistent with a couple things, but I need to just be me...get the sound I want, and of course (something that should be the #1 thing on all player's list from beginner to professional) more musical. EVERYONE can be more recordings, the ones I tend to like are musical. I have been bold and said I didn't like a few popular CDs because I thought it was just notes. I want to record a CD one day, and I know editing will occur. A couple cracks, a couple out of tune notes, etc can be easily written over...but musicality can't be created or added to a track (though over editing can surely take it away). Also, if I decide to do a recorded competition, that I need to have my accuracy at 110%, because that means when recording, it will be 100% and musical, so in case a competitor edits in any way, I will still stick out of the pack!

Teaching--like playing, teaching is an art, and one of the best ways to get better is time. This is one of my newer fields, but I really enjoy it and have always wanted to do it. Essentially, a good teacher and bad teacher can have the same knowledge, but it is in finding the simplest way of explaining things and such, and realize every time I teach something, I am still learning it as well.

The 12 Hour Rule--for my sanity, I refuse to do school more than 12 hours a day. This includes studying, practicing, etc. Last year, I had this issue. Opera week, concerts, etc. are exclusions to this. Now, with that being said, I will be on campus from 730am-630pm. This will help me keep school at school, enjoy everything, etc. Weekends will be determined by home football games (as I will not show up on those days). Also, practicing less but getting more done.

Better Health--Actually do more to lose weight and drop a pants size. Running a 5K will be a goal in here as well. Exercising more, eating in instead of all those greasy foods at restaurants.  Also, finding a way for my lips to not be so swollen on F tuba and not destroying my lips.

Wardrobe Change--While I still may wear a tee-shirt here and there...polos/jeans, polos/shorts, etc will be the new dress. Makes me look older.

Plan a Wedding--well I will let Jillian do this.

Keeping an Open Mind--Okay, we can all do that too, especially in music. The ability to learn new things and grow as a person comes with an open mind.

Having Fun--Cant forget to enjoy life, whether it is playing, teaching, learning Russian, or writing dissertations, have fun doing everything