Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Exercise for your life---why not start now?

I wonder if anyone reads this or if I should go to wordpress...thoughts???

Anyways, I have now been doing C25K for a couple of months. I remember when I started, my fiancee was surprised and confused because I literally was laying on the couch all day drinking 8 cans of pop (coke for my southern friends), and one day I decide to go running on the C25K after Megan and Nathan MacDonald told me people were doing the program.

I am still on week 5...though I am running 6 mins 30 seconds per run instead of 5. I admit, it is hard, and I want to run harder, but I think it is important to just run for long intervals.

I look back at 2 months ago, when running 1 minute felt like running a marathon, that I would never be able to do it, and I see how far I have come when it comes to minutes I am able to run. This 5th week is going to kill me, because I will end up having to run 20 minutes straight.

As I look back at my freshman year in undergrad, weighing 250 pounds and being about 6'0 and last month I weighed 277 (but for some reason lost an inch and a half in height), despite all my poor eating choices the last 7 years, I realize the only thing that has kept weight off is my tuba playing. With as many cokes as I drank and eating out just about every meal in my master's, I have to say I could be way over 300 now.

During my master's degree, I started a C25K program...well, did 2 days with my best man (Alan) and another groomsman Dorian. I remember the day we ran it was 7 degrees with a negative degree wind chill....brrrrr. Later that year, my teacher encouraged me to go to the rec center and exercise. However, no matter how many times I tried to exercise, a vacation, a stressful week, the rec being closed, etc. I always couldn't keep up with the program. For those who know me, I am pretty meticulous about stuff, and if I miss a day, I have to start over from the beginning...I have overcome my personality in order to be more fit.

I went to the RPAC at Ohio State a couple times in the first year of my doctorate (last year). This year I have less classes, but more recitals and such. I thought running would mess up my tuba playing (well, after a run still isn't the best time to play), but it has been helping it. I feel 30-40 minutes of running a day is helping my vital capacity and my ability to phrase.

I have been leading 7am warm up sessions at OSU, and I live about 15 minutes north of campus, and I will say the exercise has helped me wake up in the mornings.

How has weight loss effected me in other ways. I wore a green button up shirt yesterday for a gig I had, and out of all honesty it was pretty tight. I had a couple of students say it appeared I was losing weight!!! I got my suit slacks dry cleaned over the summer, and put them on and they were too tight! Now, they are loose. I have noticed some of my clothes that shrunk/fit tight after washing them now fit differently!!! Also, I have more mental focus.

After reflecting through this blog, I have asked myself, why couldn't I have started this when I began my Master's Degree. My friend Nathan MacDonald who helped me start this keeps a blog, http://nathanalbert.wordpress.com, and I was looking at the runs he has done. He did his first 5K in April 2010! He is now training for a half marathon and has done a 10K race, now 2.5 years later, and has lost over 125 pounds. I have a non-tuba related life goal: I want to run a few marathons in my life!!! I have to start small, so running 20 minutes straight will have to do for now.

My recommendation: if you aren't exercising now, start now. The older you get, the more your body falls into a set routine and the harder it is to get out of that routine. If you need a support group, I know several guys and an online facebook group (SAWS) that would be very helpful and welcoming!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Towards Better Health

I really need to get in the habit of updating my blog more!

Well school has started, and this upcoming week is going to be a very busy/stressful one. I have a Russian Unit due which I need to work more on, a wind symphony concert Thursday night, and lots of practicing to do.

Two weekends ago, Jillian and I went to Lake Erie for our "one year of knowing each other" celebration. We went to Sandusky, Port Clinton, and took a ferry to Put-In-Bay (island on Lake Erie). I had never been on a boat before, so it was quite an adventure. We went to Perry's Cave, saw a lot of world record stuff, and had a nice time on the island. I am attaching select pictures at the bottom for those of you haven't seen them.

I had a gig yesterday, along with a brass band rehearsal, an orchestra concert last Friday (Brahms Symphony no 2 and Frank's Psyche et Eros), and I have just been extremely busy. A couple weeks before that I had an orchestral audition for the Springfield Symphony Orchestra. I applied for that audition 3 years ago and was declined, and apparently had a good audition because I was added to the sub list and was asked to play an extra excerpt than most. I wish my chops would have been less fatigued, but it was a great audition!

Now for the real good stuff!

Now, on to the title of the blog. When I got weighed at the doctor, I had gained some weight from when I weighed myself at home. Understandable, since the scales are different. But, as I mentioned, right now weight isn't important. On Saturday. I ran for a total of 15 minutes in 3 different 5 minute intervals. Physically, I am not running as fast or hard as I was before, but I am trying just to build up the long distance running, to eventually run a 5K.  Today, I run for 8 minutes straight, and that just sounds painful...and I might have to go back and keep doing what I am doing now.

Anyways, I have reflected over the process of the C25K training program. I feel it could have been designed better, with smaller increments of time added on gradually. However, less than 2 months ago, I was on the couch having a hard time getting up and going up the stairs. I was dying running a minute (though I was running very hard and fast). I haven't been as sick, and I have been more energetic. I keep on looking at my phone to see how much longer I have to run (I need to stop this!) and I get down to a minute and a half and keep on going, sometimes not realizing 2 months ago one minute felt like running a marathon.

The c25K program (free version) is a good program...though I am not quite at the speed/distance to run a 5K, but to run the number of minutes. It works very well, and it is nice finding some time to exercise and stay fit. I am slowly cutting down pop (cokes for those of you in the south reading this) from 8 cans a day to 2 a day, plus adding gatorade and water to my diet.

Besides weight gain, I have noticed my clothes fit differently. I do not think I have lost any fat, but it is shifting and making my lower body look more normal. I will be sure to keep you guys updated as I progress on running.


I have to thank Nathan/Megan MacDonald for EVERYTHING regarding weight loss and being healthier. I have quite a ways to go to even be close to what they have done, but I am trying. Nathan has lost over 125 pounds since starting this a couple of years ago. I think EVERYONE should read and follow his blog!


Pics from Put-In Bay Trip

                                                       Behold the Power of Cheese

Jillian and I infront of Lake Erie on the Boat

World's Largest Celestite Crystals. Didn't go here but went by it :)

Perry's Cave

Didn't go here, but went by Ohio's oldest family owned Winery

The World's Longest Bar!

Butterfly House

                                                        Putt Putt!

My Favorite Cave Saying

Jillian and I in Sandusky

                                       The World's Smallest Margarita Bar!

                                    The first boat I was ever on

Mining for Gems

Friday, August 24, 2012

Settling in...and tired of being myself!

The school year has started, and the Russian class looks to be very hard. I have to just be able to read it, but I kind of want to speak it too. As I wait for it all to print off 300 pages for the Russian independent study course, I was reflecting about how far I have come and that I am starting to settle in to a routine.

Yesterday, after ensemble auditions, I decided to come home early and relax a little, and get a haircut. It was so relaxing not staying at school till 6:30 and actually beating my fiancee home.

For those of you who don't know, I am doing a couch to 5K running program. Yesterday, I completed week 3 day 1 of the training. I ran for 3 minutes straight!!! Though my body felt like it was going to give out, I somehow made it to the end. I do not know if I have lost any weight, but I am starting to feel muscles grow.

I have to personally thank great friends Nathan and Megan MacDonald in Tallahassee Florida and all the people on the SAWS facebook group for helping get me off the couch. I have read (actually in the brass gym) that the body starts to go in a routine by the age of 26, which I will be in less than a month. I have been feeling low on energy (still do after running), and my body just getting larger and fatter. I wish I would have been able to do a C25K program at Miami (started one with Dorian and Alan, 2 of my groomsmen, but it didn't last. Nathan has lost 125 pounds in about 2 years time, and he looks like a totally different person.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I am tired of seeing my current self. I have always felt this way. I used to be normal sized, but somewhere around 4th grade, a summer where my dad would bring home donuts several days a week, I started to get very fat. I was picked on for being fat, never had friends because of this, and people said I would never amount to anything, and that I am just a tuba dork/band nerd, and got picked on for being serious about that. The majority of the people who picked on me never went to college or dropped out, dead end jobs, etc., while I am happy, minus the weight.

So I am going to change something. Instead of carrying about pounds lost, I am going to focus on the way my body looks and muscle gain, instead of poundage. Here is to a new me!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Here begins the 2nd year of DMA....some updates and goals for the school year.

I honestly need to blog on here more. I know I should probably find more time to practice, especially since I have my first principal tuba audition for an orchestra this weekend, but I think a break is always good to reflect on things that don't have to do specifically with playing. I am hoping this blog can also serve as guidance to younger musicians.

I look back over the last 7 years in college and see how much I could have done that I didn't. Practice more in undergrad with a greater focus, work more on basics then, perfected aural skills, etc, or to have asked teachers to focus on this more. I listen to my recordings and I am never happy, but apparently this happens to everybody. However, I remember while at ACU I was often down in the dumps, single, never happy, etc. Over the last 3 years, I have basically reversed everything, because I am happy, at one of my dream schools to study tuba, working on my doctorate, etc.

Stemming from the last paragraph, I had a hard time being single, because I had never had a girlfriend. The single status often made me feel like I was an outcast, etc. Since the last time I posted on here, I have become engaged to the beautiful Jillian Mummey. Our wedding is June 22, 2013 in Chillicothe, OH. I will have a tuba ensemble playing at the wedding (because that is cool). We have moved in together already to help the transition and everything, and we are enjoying our new town house in Dublin, OH. I struggled through a lot, but I am glad to have found the woman I will spend the rest of my life with!

Anyways, I was reading my goals from last year, and before reading them, I just said, I probably have done NONE of these, much less to where I want them.

Better Financial Health--I have actually mastered this one (minus student loans), as I should be out of all personal credit card debt in a year, and as a married couple, we should be fine by time I finish this degree. I have learned to budget  better, and make wise decisions with my money. I get an A+ on this one.

Better Health--This one I didn't do as much on last year. However, in the last couple of weeks, I have started a Couch to 5K training exercise. This last summer I drank a lot of pop (coke for my southern friends, really Dr. Pepper, but y'all know what I mean :) ), but I am trying to cut my consumption in half. We have also been eating in a lot more. I was eating out a lot but still budgeting my money, but I feel I can lose a lot of weight by eating in  (occasionally eating out) and exercising. I started this, and time for me to continue it.

Less Driving--I guess I put this one because I had a 1992 Toyota Camry with 240000 miles that was falling apart...and I drove 30000 miles in the first half of 2011. So I did very well with this, even though I had to drive to Chillicothe to see my fiancee, I didn't put many miles on my car at all. I now have a new car, a 2009 Hyundai Elantra, low mileage. I purchased a west campus pass, so I am driving to school now. However, this will help me get home sooner and not have to worry about being stranded by the bus or waiting in cold areas.

More Personal Time--I actually did well on this one. I don't drink alcohol much anymore, but I have cable TV now...so I get to watch plenty of that! I tend to spend too much time on campus and waste time, but I am getting better.

The 10 Points--Did most of them decently. Some (like scheduling practice time and concerts) are not as practical, but I did hear some great professional orchestras, and since my schedule deviated week to week, scheduling practice time was hard.

                                                  GOALS FOR 2012-2013 School Year

Most people tend to make New Years Resolutions on January 1st. Being in academia, my year starts in August. This will be the 21st first day of classes for me, and the last real year of classes...however when I teach, it will still be the same.

Better Focus--I feel I need to be better focused overall. I might have ADD or something, like most people my age, but just better focus and goals. I am also learning Russian, a very hard language, so I need the focus. This will be needed, because the longer I am in school, it seems the harder it gets. I have other friends who agree with this, so I am not the only one! Also, keeping a practice journal.

Playing--My recordings will never be what I want them to be. I need to be more consistent with a couple things, but I need to just be me...get the sound I want, and of course (something that should be the #1 thing on all player's list from beginner to professional) more musical. EVERYONE can be more musical...in recordings, the ones I tend to like are musical. I have been bold and said I didn't like a few popular CDs because I thought it was just notes. I want to record a CD one day, and I know editing will occur. A couple cracks, a couple out of tune notes, etc can be easily written over...but musicality can't be created or added to a track (though over editing can surely take it away). Also, if I decide to do a recorded competition, that I need to have my accuracy at 110%, because that means when recording, it will be 100% and musical, so in case a competitor edits in any way, I will still stick out of the pack!

Teaching--like playing, teaching is an art, and one of the best ways to get better is time. This is one of my newer fields, but I really enjoy it and have always wanted to do it. Essentially, a good teacher and bad teacher can have the same knowledge, but it is in finding the simplest way of explaining things and such, and realize every time I teach something, I am still learning it as well.

The 12 Hour Rule--for my sanity, I refuse to do school more than 12 hours a day. This includes studying, practicing, etc. Last year, I had this issue. Opera week, concerts, etc. are exclusions to this. Now, with that being said, I will be on campus from 730am-630pm. This will help me keep school at school, enjoy everything, etc. Weekends will be determined by home football games (as I will not show up on those days). Also, practicing less but getting more done.

Better Health--Actually do more to lose weight and drop a pants size. Running a 5K will be a goal in here as well. Exercising more, eating in instead of all those greasy foods at restaurants.  Also, finding a way for my lips to not be so swollen on F tuba and not destroying my lips.

Wardrobe Change--While I still may wear a tee-shirt here and there...polos/jeans, polos/shorts, etc will be the new dress. Makes me look older.

Plan a Wedding--well I will let Jillian do this.

Keeping an Open Mind--Okay, we can all do that too, especially in music. The ability to learn new things and grow as a person comes with an open mind.

Having Fun--Cant forget to enjoy life, whether it is playing, teaching, learning Russian, or writing dissertations, have fun doing everything

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 in Review

2011 was an adventerous year from January 1st till now, and as always, I do these by year


  • I began the year in a motel room in Council Bluffs, IA (border of Omaha, NE) on my DMA trip no 1. I knew this would be the year the biggest decision of my life would be made...where I would spend the next 3 years.
  • Stayed the next night in Wyoming, -20 degree temperatures in Laramie, WY....brrrrrrr
  • I had successful auditions at University of Utah (added Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Utah to states visited)
  • Car broke down on the way to Arizona (glad I avoided Tuba City, AZ) with radiator problems in Las Vegas, NV (added Nevada to states visited)
  • Went to my first casino and did a little gambling...while my car had to be fitted with a new radiator
  • Successful audition at University of Arizona
  • Drove from Tuscon, AZ to Oxford Ohio and began my final first week of the semester for my MM degree.
  • Had the first week syndrome of 8am ear training, and enjoyed my first weekend with nothing till March

  • Got sick driving to Iowa (stomach), but still a very good audition, and also a good audition at University of Illinois.
  • Good audition at Michigan State

  • Successful auditions at Eastman School of Music, Ohio State, and UNCG (added North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia to states visited)
  • Got back in the dating scene
  • A random week and a half of spring-like temperatures
  • Matt Gray visited from Arkansas, and had orchestra concert that weekend...first weekend without an audition
  • Final audition of the tour, FSU, and ended up being a great audition and hanging with the MacDonalds in Tallahassee, while Ohio was still cold

  • It was cold all month, lots of snow and rain
  • Spring break in Chattanooga, TN at the SERTEC tuba conference....solo on Don Giovanni's Hollenfahrt
  • Had first meltdown about recital scheduling, and the 2nd mental meltdown of my MM degree
  • Bydlo Bydlo Pictures at an Exhibition, Bydlo
  • Acceptance letters roll in for DMA schools
  • No joke, it RAINED 29 of the 30 days in this month. What a great way to end up my time in Oxford.
  • A successful recital (after already playing 6 hours earlier that day)
  • All that stood in my way from graduation was a solo repertoire project
  • Sadly started to say goodbye to many friends
  • Decided on a DMA school....a VERY tough decision due to the quality programs and teachers, but chose Ohio State as it felt right.
  • Bought an iPhone :)

  • It rained a lot
  • Graduation...though my name wasn't in the program
  • Apartment hunting was a success, after many headaches
  • Had first lesson with my new professor and met the studio
  • Solo Literature project....
  • Moved from Tuba Manor to Cody Grabbe/Dave Kamran's place for the summer...one 3rd story apartment to another
  • More Solo Literature project....
  • Some major heartbreak...recovered to
  • More rain....rain rain rain
  • Got invited to do the Atlantic Brass Quintet seminar in Sonoma, CA....the tubamobile (92 camry then with 225000 miles) and a cross country trip
  • Saw Ray Jacinto in Reno, NV
  • Had fun in Sonoma, met some good friends and colleagues....went to a winery (Cline Cellars)
  • Drove from California back to Ohio...
  • Saw Evan Woods and Billy Prude in Ohio...good ACU friends in my state!
  • Solo Literature project...no practice
  • Repeat entry above a million times
  • Went to Hamilton 4th of July event
  • Finished the draft of my MM project on tuba solo repertoire....110 pages single spaced
  • 1.5 weeks to prepare for orals...
  • 3.5 days before oral exams, get last topic...talk about major stress and freaking out
  • Oral exams....da da dummmmmm
  • Passed oral exams, thus officially was a Master of Music!
  • Pub-crawl in Oxford with Alan Wiseman...that is all that is in that town is bars...
  • Moved to Columbus, OH
  • Hung out and met new Columbus/OSU friends...surprised how many were from Texas
  • Practice
  • Rode public transit for the first time...and decided to make this my transportation method here
  • Still rained
  • Saw all my other friends start school while I still had another month of summer
  • Kind of missed paychecks
  • Rain rain rain
  • probably ate too much with all the good food here
  • Rain....
  • Played/placed on sublist with Newark-Granville Symphony
  • I really don't remember much besides practice and boredom
  • My pre-birthday present...getting a couple shots too many
  • Birthday present--a cute girl named Jillian and I met
  • School started...still didn't get paid till October 31
  • Learned how to manage money and be very cheap
  • Oh and that graduate school orientation....that was valuable practice time
  • NEW F TUBA!!!! Gronitz PF 125 and it is amazing (Okay it was Sept 30...)
  • LOTS of car problems
  • Enjoying playing great repertoire in ensembles, and teaching music majors...which is essentially what I want to do for a living!
  • Was sick most of the month
  • It rained a great deal of the month, and got cold....
  • Played Shostakovich Symphony 5 with Lima Symphony
  • First successful all-nighter and hell week with 2 concerts
  • Me and Jillian become official :)
  • Heard Cincinnati Symphony play Rite of Spring...2nd tubist was amazing!
  • Played Death and Transfiguration with Lima Symphony (and Church gig)
  • Lots of practice
  • Thanksgiving with Jillian
  • More rain
  • Tchaikovsky Symphony No 6 with OSU
  • Juries...and sitting on the jury panel as well
  • 5 concerts in 1 week....yuck
  • Charlotte Symphony Orchestra audition is given to me...time to get into shape...then got sick
  • Christmas with Jillian 
  • Rain and no snow

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Start to a New Academic Year--Personal Goals

Well, tomorrow begins a new academic year at my new school, The Ohio State University. For me, school has kind of started as I have had a couple of lessons, a week of meetings and such, and know several of the TAs. I got my lockers in Hughes Hall for my tubas yesterday, and am waiting till I can store them away elsewhere. Working on getting a new F tuba that suits me, which means probably waiting through a long line at the Student Academic Services building to see if I can request $3000 extra in loans for the quarter and end it at that.
I am just guessing it will be a headache and I will walk away needing a letter and all that stuff. Had a birthday this weekend, and it was great besides going a little over the edge Friday night with friends. So, I figure it will take a couple weeks to get into the swing of things. Auditions are Thursday for me, and things begin next week. Quarters are weird because you start very late and only have 10 week periods instead of 15-16, but this is the last year any Ohio school can be on quarters. The first big goal I want to try to follow is David Zerkel's 10 points, which I will list at the bottom. These are great playing and musical goals, and I will try my best to follow them (especially listening to music for other instruments). My academic classes seem light this quarter, which will give me a lot of time in the practice room.

-------------------------Personal Goals-------------------------------

Better Financial Health
I have too much in credit card debt and loans. One of the things I am going to do while I am in school is to pay off all credit card debts. I regret when I have to pay off loans, but I am hoping by using budget apps and debt payoff solutions and David Ramsey stuff I can manage this better and get out of credit card debt by time I am 28. This means I have to dip into my savings which I didn't want it to fall below the amount I have, but I won't pay rent on a credit card again and pay those off faster, then get back into financial shape. I should sell my F tuba by summer and live off that money for summer.

I have bought 2 budget apps for my iPhone. AceBudget and DebtPayoff. For $2.15, I can manage my debts and finances at my fingertips along with my bank app, and get in better financial health. I wish I could have done this at Miami, but never too late to get back into shape. I guess this means any gig money will go to credit cards.

Better Health
I should invest $30 in a digital scale, but I will wait for a few days. I don't intend on losing weight, but cooking more at home. This will help with financial health by not eating out or drinking much alcohol (I have money set aside for this though to have some good times with friends), as well as be healthier than eating out.

I am going to try to be using the rec center, even if it is 20 minutes a day and drink more water. This will help moving on the elliptical.

Also, drinking a max of 1 coke (pop/soda) a day, this will help out immensely. Nathan/Megan MacDonald have been a big inspiration in this. Nathan has lost over 100 pounds eating extremely healthy and exercising and if I can lose 40 pounds over 2 years it would be amazing.

Less Driving
As an OSU student, I pay $9 a quarter to use the COTA city buses. There is a stop right near my apartment and a stop right near Weigel Hall. It is inconvenient and I can't stay out late, but it is a great service, and I save $700 plus gas/wear and tear on the car over the year (I need to verify that they don't take the permit out even if you don't get one).

I have not filled up with gas since September 4th, and if I luck out, I can go a month on a tank besides gigs out of the area (but hey, then I am making money). So, I figure on a normal month with insurance I can get by with less than $150 with gigs, or $100 on car fees, including insurance. This year, it should save me $1000 by not driving to school.

More Personal Time

Watching TV on my computer, sleeping, waking up earlier. I am 25 now, and since I am riding the bus, I think riding the bus will prioritize my time and such at school (besides the current lunch issue the first couple of weeks).

I might add more on later

Zerkel's 10 Points (for those curious)

Here are my notes from a chat to the brass students at UGA on Day 1. A top ten
list of sorts... I hope they listened!
1. Take your classes seriously. Theory, Ear-training and Music History provide
you with the tools to understand the language of music and your mastery of
these subjects WILL help you play your instrument better. If you have had a
math course beyond algebra, music theory should present no problems, as it is
structured in a very systematic way. Ear-training will help you learn what you
need to hear, whether you are playing your instrument or standing in front of a
band. Music History will equip you with the tools to approach your
interpretations from informed perspective and will give you the insight needed
to play with style.
2. Listen to as much music as you can! Naxos online music library is a great
resource, as is our incredibly complete music library. A hard, but not
impossible, goal is to spend the same amount of hours listening that you spend
practicing. Listening to music and familiarizing yourself with a broad spectrum
of music is where your REAL musical education will take place.
3. Learn and know your scales and arpeggios, as they are the building blocks of
western music. Realizing that virtually everything that you play is constructed
with scales and arpeggios will make mastering your instrument exponentially
4. Schedule your practice time as though it were a class and make yourself a
tough attendance policy. Success in music, like anything else in life, is
dependent upon disciplined and persistent effort. Hard work will trump talent
any day of the week. The world is filled with incredibly talented people who
never reached their potential because they were lazy. It is the observation of the
brass faculty that the overall work ethic of the students in the school of music is
quite lax compared to other places that we have been. Each of you has the
power to reverse this condition that affects the culture of music here at UGA. It
is really cool to not suck… daily practice will help you to appreciate your
potential and your ability to improve.
5. Go to concerts! There is no substitution for listening to live music—every
performance you hear provides you with the opportunity to learn something
about your own performances. Whether you will teach or perform, you will
spend the rest of your life evaluating performances and diagnosing the
strengths and weaknesses of what you hear. You will develop this skill much
more quickly if you are going to concerts.
6. Embrace what technology has to offer us in developing as musicians. Rhythm
and Pitch are the two empirical truths in music--- either they are right or they
are wrong. Don’t look as your metronome and tuner as though they are nagging
you that you are not good enough—learn to make chamber music with your Dr.
Beat and to look at your tuner as the teller of truth. If you really want to use
technology to improve your performance skills, purchase a digital recorder such
as a Zoom 2 (or use Quicktime on your computer) to record your practice. This
will help you to become your own teacher. The greatest period of growth that I
have ever had as a developing musician happened when I was recording and
evaluating my practice on a daily basis.
7. Be curious! Strive to know the repertoire for your instrument. Practice
something everyday that is NOT part of your lesson assignment for the week.
Read ahead in an etude book or check out some music from the library. This will
help your sight-reading skills immeasurably. Strive to be a comprehensive
musician, not just a jock on your horn!
8. Play with your peers! Form a chamber music group or play duets with a peer
as much as you can. Chamber music empowers each of us to make musical
decisions without the input of a director, which is a critical skill. Playing
chamber music will also help grow your ears in a dramatic way.
9. Be serious about your pursuit of excellence. Set the bar high and work hard to
be the best that you can be. Music is an extraordinarily competitive field—
remember that there is always someone somewhere that is working harder than
you are and someday you will meet them at the audition or the interview. You
owe it to yourself to be the best musician that you can be. You will only be a
great band director if you are first a great musician.
10. Know that every great musician in the world still considers himself or herself
a student of music. Wynton Marsalis is a music student. Joe Alessi is a music
student, as is Gail Williams, Steven Mead and Oystein Baadsvik . Make lifelong
improvement and lifelong learning your goal. I am not as good as I think I am
and neither are you. The older I get, the more I realize that I have only begun to
scratch the surface of what there is to know. Use this blessing of an opportunity
that you have as a full-time music student to your advantage. Your hard work
will pay off in the end!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

City Life in Columbus

I can finally say I am moved in, though I have a million papers to file. Car is the cleanest it has been in over a year, and just about everything is put away, all I need to do is hang a million dorky tuba posters. I didn't practice too well today, mainly due to my lips being swollen and hard and with a small rim mouthpiece, so I decided to only do one session on F tuba, but I have done other fun stuff to get settled in besides practicing.

I haven't really lived in a city since I was in high school, and then I lived in the suburbs, which have become ghetto, or so I am told from people who still live there. Yesterday, I took the No 18 bus as normal from my apartment to OSU, but this time I included my bike. Everyone told me I had to experience Short North (the Arts District), so I did. I had been there before for some Jenis ice cream, and have had it the last 2 days (best ice cream in the world). I also ate at a grill down there on the way back. I decided to be adventurous and bike downtown. I only made it to the arena district on my bike, but I saw some people that would have scared me 2 years ago. I decided to bike back towards Short North after some biking. I thought I was going a long distance, t but realized my bike is set to kilometers. My bike was never assembled right (loose handle bars) so I guess I need a new one. While in Short North, I saw a wreck happen because a guy was texting, and the driver he hit (and did no damage to) was all upset and yelling. Glad it wasn't me driving there.

So today, I decided to do the same thing. I decided to bike around the beautiful OSU campus, went by mirror lake, Ohio Stadium (which you can't see the field from outside), and other parts on campus, and then practiced (poorly) and then biked to Short North after a poor practice session. I forgot to mention earlier that it rained both days I brought my bike, and every time I tried to ride my bike in March or April, it would rain. I have a cursed bike apparently. Homeless people asked me for $20 on the way to Jenis and for the bike on the way back, I kept biking. Let me tell you, biking can make you sore if you haven't done it in a while.

I am starting to feel glad I got a studio apartment. My only complaints are that my couch wouldn't fit through the hallway door so we had to get rid of it and buy a futon, and that there are no bike racks anywhere. I will take pictures later of the apartment, but it seems to be doing its job. I just want a TV now, and my computer to finally be done in the shop...it has been sent to HP 2 times to be fixed. I really would like to start arranging music, listening to music, playing starcraft 2, watching movies, and such, since my acer has a linux based program installed that really sucks...

I am going to attach some pictures from my bike ride

View of Downtown from Short North

Lots to do in Short North
Convention Center

Mirror Lake!

Thompson Statue
Middle of the Oval
This building had a lot of numbers outside...maybe the math building?
Front of Ohio Stadium
Ohio Stadium Scoreboard, They make it so you can't see the field from outside