Friday, August 24, 2012

Settling in...and tired of being myself!

The school year has started, and the Russian class looks to be very hard. I have to just be able to read it, but I kind of want to speak it too. As I wait for it all to print off 300 pages for the Russian independent study course, I was reflecting about how far I have come and that I am starting to settle in to a routine.

Yesterday, after ensemble auditions, I decided to come home early and relax a little, and get a haircut. It was so relaxing not staying at school till 6:30 and actually beating my fiancee home.

For those of you who don't know, I am doing a couch to 5K running program. Yesterday, I completed week 3 day 1 of the training. I ran for 3 minutes straight!!! Though my body felt like it was going to give out, I somehow made it to the end. I do not know if I have lost any weight, but I am starting to feel muscles grow.

I have to personally thank great friends Nathan and Megan MacDonald in Tallahassee Florida and all the people on the SAWS facebook group for helping get me off the couch. I have read (actually in the brass gym) that the body starts to go in a routine by the age of 26, which I will be in less than a month. I have been feeling low on energy (still do after running), and my body just getting larger and fatter. I wish I would have been able to do a C25K program at Miami (started one with Dorian and Alan, 2 of my groomsmen, but it didn't last. Nathan has lost 125 pounds in about 2 years time, and he looks like a totally different person.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I am tired of seeing my current self. I have always felt this way. I used to be normal sized, but somewhere around 4th grade, a summer where my dad would bring home donuts several days a week, I started to get very fat. I was picked on for being fat, never had friends because of this, and people said I would never amount to anything, and that I am just a tuba dork/band nerd, and got picked on for being serious about that. The majority of the people who picked on me never went to college or dropped out, dead end jobs, etc., while I am happy, minus the weight.

So I am going to change something. Instead of carrying about pounds lost, I am going to focus on the way my body looks and muscle gain, instead of poundage. Here is to a new me!

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